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Gilberto Zorio

Stella (Star)

Year : 1976

Dimensions : cm 63x90

Technique : mixed on skin

Publishings : published in the catalogue of the exhibition "Scenari dell'Arte Povera" at the page 74

Exhibitions : "Scenari dell'Arte Povera", 10 December 2022 - 20 February 2023

Authentication : upcoming

Short Review

Star is the working title of this work by Gilberto Zorio. This is an old work and probably a study of some installation. This can be deduced from the notes accompanying the sides of the star. Also interesting is the solution of using a parchment, probably sheep's skin, as a support, which is then crumpled by Zorio. The star is constructed with two parallel lines and the space between these lines is colored bright red. This makes the star more substantial, almost three-dimensional. In addition, Zorio spreads thin strokes of ink on the surface of the work as if it were dots

Tags: Gilberto Zorio - Zorio - star - parchment

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Gilberto Zorio

Works for sale

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Alambicco Rossini (Rossini alembic)

Year : 2006

Dimensions : cm 70x100

Technique : metallic paper, ink, fluorescent phosphor, pyrographed musical notes

Authentication : authentication on photo by Gilberto Zorio

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Stella di terracotta (Terracotta star)

Year : 1979

Dimensions : cm 82x102

Technique : terracotta and wax on iron sheet

Authentication : authentication in progress

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