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Gilberto Zorio

Alambicco Rossini (Rossini alembic)

Year : 2006

Dimensions : cm 70x100

Technique : metallic paper, ink, fluorescent phosphor, pyrographed musical notes

Publishings : published in the catalogue of exibition "Scenari dell'Arte Povera" at the page 77

Exhibitions : "Scenari dell'Arte Povera", 10 December 2022 - 20 February 2023

Authentication : authentication on photo by Gilberto Zorio

Short Review

Alambicco Rossini is the title of this work by Gilberto Zorio. This title originates from the musical notes that are engraved on the left side of the work under the bowl of the alembic. The musical reference derives from the Zorio family's passion for music and in particular for that of the great composer Gioacchino Rossini. The background of the work is black with splashes of phosphorus which make it fluorescent in the dark.

Tags: Alembic - Gilberto Zorio - Zorio - Gioacchino Rossini - phosphorus

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Gilberto Zorio

Works for sale

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Stella di terracotta (Terracotta star)

Year : 1979

Dimensions : cm 82x102

Technique : terracotta and wax on iron sheet

Authentication : authentication in progress

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