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Gilberto Zorio

Stella di terracotta (Terracotta star)

Year : 1979

Dimensions : cm 82x102

Technique : terracotta and wax on iron sheet

Authentication : authentication in progress

Short Review

Rare work by Gilberto Zorio for its execution. In fact, on an iron sheet base, Zorio spreads a layer of wax made of many sprays and in the center glues a terracotta star, voluminous because it probably has an iron framework to avoid cracks or falls. This is a particular work by Zorio because if the terracotta star occurs not infrequently in his works, the wax background is an authentic rarity if not unique.

Tags: Gilberto Zorio - Zorio - star - terracotta - wax

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Gilberto Zorio

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Alambicco Rossini (Rossini alembic)

Year : 2006

Dimensions : cm 70x100

Technique : metallic paper, ink, fluorescent phosphor, pyrographed musical notes

Authentication : authentication on photo by Gilberto Zorio

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