Arnaldo Pomodoro


Year : 2008

Dimensions : cm diametro 10

Technique : Bronze

Publishings : Arnaldo Pomodoro Catalogue Raisonné M256

Authentication : publisher's certification on cardboard containing: author (Arnaldo Pomodoro), material and edition

Short Review

This work by Arnaldo Pomodoro is a multiple pulled to 200 specimens made of polished and gilded full bronze. The disc has two faces where the typical elements of Pomodoro's works are obtained.  In fact, on one side a hemisphere is represented, a symbol of perfection, and on the opposite side is represented an arrow inspired by cuneiform writing. In addition, the disc manually rotates around a vertical axis so it is enjoyable in its entirety. This edition was conceived and created years ago to help the Mario Negri Foundation which is a non-profit pharmacological research center.

Other works by Arnaldo Pomodoro are visible on the website

And works for sale by Arnaldo Pomodoro are in the gallery for their direct viewing during opening hours

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Tags: Arnaldo Pomodoro - Pomodoro - disc - Fondazione Mario Negri- works for sale by Arnaldo Pomodoro - works in the gallery by Arnaldo Pomodoro

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Arnaldo Pomodoro

Works for sale

Disk - Scudo (Shield)

Scudo (Shield)

Year : 2010

Dimensions : cm 74x25.5x17.5 più base h= 16 cm

Technique : Bronze

Authentication : authentic on photo by Arnaldo Pomodoro

Galleria incontro
via XXVI Aprile, 38 - 25032 CHIARI (BS) - Italy
VAT N : 02662130984
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